Bluff Association Info 2025

For association and tournament results click here.

Welcome to Schneiter’s Bluff Course! We hope you enjoy your time with us this year as we prepare for a fun and exciting golf season. The following is a quick review of what we have planned this season for each of the associations. We appreciate your participation and promise great fun. If you have any questions just ask anyone in the pro-shop for information. (801) 773-0731.

Association schedules, weekly results, & up to date info posted daily on:

MondaySenior Association (Men ages 50 and up) 
Saturday                Cost is $60.00 to join. Weekly tournament events will begin March 10th – 15th
  Each week thereafter green fees plus $6.00 entry ( $1.00 skins in flights included)
  Play any time during the day with another member
  Price includes accurate handicapping, and monthly snacks/lunches.
  Ten punch passes available for discounted play
TuesdayMens Association (Men ages 18 to 99) – Opener Sat. April 5th- 4 Man Scramble – Shotgun 8:30 a.m.
ThruWeekly tournament events will begin March 10th – 15th.
Saturday Cost is $60.00 to join – Includes opener
  Each week thereafter green fees plus $6.00 entry ( $1.00 skins in flights included)
  Play any time during the day with another member
  Price includes accurate handicapping
  Several larger tourneys planned throughout the year
TuesdayJunior Association (Boys and Girls ages 8-17) – Starts June 10th
  Cost is $25.00 to join
  Each week only $10.00 for green fees and entry
  Play is at 7:30 a.m. weekly and runs  June 10th- Aug 5th
  Rules and etiquette will be taught each week
  Prizes will be given weekly
  Special treats each week
  Junior lessons will begin in June also
WednesdayLadies Association (Ladies 18-99) – Signup & Play March 19th – 20th    Opening 2 Ladies Scramble May 21st – 22nd
 and Cost is $35.00 to join
 Thursday Each week green fees plus $5.00 entry
  Morning group and afternoon group available
  Accurate handicapping, fun and various formats each week
  Special meals and social gatherings planned throughout the year




Mixed Couples League (Men and Women) Signup & Play March 17th – 21st  Opening 2 Couples Scramble is April 7th – 11th.
  Cost is $45 to join
  Each week green fees plus $5.00 entry per couple
  Play any time during the day
  Price includes accurate handicapping