Contract & Banquet

Schneiter’s Bluff Golf Course

                   Tournament Contract & Policy

  1. Booking Tournaments:

Tournaments may be booked in advance provided scheduling permits.  We ask that two weeks before the event you contact us to confirm and sure up the number of players for the reservation.

  1. Cancellation:

Seven days prior to the event you will be asked to pay for the number of tee times you wish to reserve.  That number will represent the number of tee times for which you will be charged and which we will hold for you.  (Each tee time represents four (4) green fees).  We require a 90% guarantee on all confirmed players (i.e. If you confirm 50 players, you will be responsible for 90% of that number which would be 45.)  Return confirmation immediately, or your tournament may be subject to cancellation.

  1. Food and Beverage:

No person or group may bring food, beverages, or alcohol onto the premise. You may choose to cater your own event or have an outside source cater for you.  We charge $2.00 per person for the banquet room rental for those having golf tournaments with a minimum fee of $100.00.

           Golf Info:   Tournament pricing information.  (For speed of play we would like everyone to ride gas carts)

           Shotgun Start Events:

            _______    # 18 hole players w/ cart   @   $60.00       =   $_____________       

            _______    #   9 hole players w/ cart   @   $30.00       =   $_____________

           Tee Time Events:

            _______    # 18 hole players w/ cart   @   $54.00       =   $_____________       

            _______    #   9 hole players w/ cart   @   $27.00       =   $_____________

Banquet room rental fees for tournament groups:

$2.00 per person with a minimum of $100.00

Group Name: __________________________     Date: _________    Time _______   # Holes _____

Person in charge ________________________    Phone: ______________W ________________ H

Credit Card type & #  ______   ________________________________   Exp: ________________

***  Please advise No Food, Drink, Alcohol to be brought on premise and no spectators under 18

        Those driving carts must have a valid drivers license.